19 Horizon Terrace
Neerabup WA 6031
Sale/Lease price FOR SALE:$2,798,400+GST FOR LEASE:$151,580++
For Sale or Lease, this quality development is ready to move in. Feature include: - Land: 1,903m2 - Building area: 1,166m2 - Ground floor office/showroom (139m2), incl. M&F toilets & staffroom - First floor office (139m2), incl. toilet, store & kitchenette - Airconditioned office - Warehouse: 888m2 - Dual roller door access (5m x 5m) - Large canopies over roller doors - Min truss height: 7.5m - 21 on-site parking bays + verge parking - For Sale: $2,798,400 + GST - For Lease: $151,580 + Outs + GST Situated within the Neerabup Industrial Area, Meridian Park is perfectly positioned to meet the business needs of Perth's fast growing North-West corridor. The estate can accommodate Restricted Access Vehicles (Category 4) (RAV4), with easy access to the Mitchell Freeway, and is just 30mins north of Perth CBD. If you have any further queries, or would like to arrange an inspection, please call Malcolm Healey, Altegra Property Group.